NEWS - Wednesday, October 17, 2001

Prima Games Signs with Microsoft
Prima Games, a division of Random House Inc., today announced that it has signed an exclusive worldwide agreement with Microsoft Corporation to write, publish and distribute official strategy guides for first-party titles for the Xbox video game system."We are pleased to have Prima Games doing the strategy guides for Xbox," said John ORourke, director of Xbox sales and marketing. “Prima Games have the proven ability to consistently deliver accurate, high quality strategy guides. They were the best choice for Xbox."
Under the agreement, Prima Games will publish approximately eight official Xbox video game strategy guides between now and December 31, 2001. The first wave of guides will coincide with the launch of the Xbox system and accompanying first-party titles later this fall, including Halo™, Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee™, NFL Fever 2002, Azurik™: Rise of Perathia™, Amped™: Freestyle Snowboarding, Project Gotham Racing™ and Nightcaster™.