NEWS - Thursday, May 25, 2017

Games with Gold for June Announced
Xbox owners will have a batch of new games to download with their monthly Xbox Live Gold membership. Here are the details for Game with Gold for June.
Speedrunners ($14.99 ERP) - Available June 1-30 on Xbox One
- In a city filled with superheroes, getting to the bad guys becomes a competition all its own. The highly competitive racing game Speedrunners will makes its debut on Xbox One. You’ll have to run, jump, swing, fire rockets, and knock your opponent’s off the screen to prove you’re the hero the city needs.
Watch_Dogs ($29.99 ERP) - Available June 16-July 15 on Xbox One
- Be the ultimate hacker in the ambitious open world game Watch Dogs. Play as the criminal Aiden Pearce, seeking revenge to those who have done you wrong by manipulating the city networks, which connects you to everything. Steal private records, destroy traffic, and use the power of technology against your foes.
Assassin’s Creed III ($19.99 ERP) - Available June 1-15 on Xbox 360 & Xbox One
- The American Revolution meets open-world stealth action in Assassin’s Creed III. Play as Connor, a Native American who uncovers the secrets of the Assassins and is caught up in a deadly conspiracy. With a new approach to free-running and a variety of new combat styles, explore a more varied environment than any previous Assassin’s Creed game.
Dragon Age: Origins ($14.99 ERP): Available June 16-30 on Xbox 360 & Xbox One
- In Dragon Age: Origins, you’re a Grey Warden, one of the last of a legendary order of guardians. With the return of an ancient foe and the kingdom engulfed in civil war, you have been chosen by fate to unite the shattered lands and slay the archdemon once and for all.
DLC for Phantom Dust ($14.99 ERP): Available June 1-30 on Xbox One
- There’s a special gift for Xbox Live Gold members to celebrate the new release of Phantom Dust. Get a free multiplayer content DLC pack staring June 1, a $14.99 value, which includes a variety of valuable skills and abilities to help you defeat your enemies in the re-release of the original Xbox classic.
You can check out more details in the trailer below:
Source: Xbox News Wire/YouTube