NEWS - Thursday, November 8, 2001
New York Times Review the Xbox
Heres a quote...GameCube or Xbox? The Games, Not the Systems, May Decide
This month two new game consoles make their debut, and their differences are apparent before you even take them out of the box. When I received Microsofts Xbox in the mail, I looked at the package and thought, can it really be this big? A few days later, when the mailman dropped off Nintendos GameCube, I wondered, can it really fit inside this little box?
The Xbox and the GameCube are the most powerful game consoles to date and they will be introduced within three days of each other (the Xbox on Nov. 15, the GameCube on Nov. 18), yet they represent entirely different strategies. Microsoft, new to the world of console gaming, enters the arena with a roar, while Nintendo, the seasoned veteran, saunters in whistling with the confidence of someone with nothing to prove.
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