NEWS - Monday, July 1, 2002
Happy Canada Day
On behalf of the entire crew, Happy Canada Day, eh! (This is like Independance Day in the U.S.), not much happends here except for a few fireworks and a lot of eating! You'll also notice that won't be doing "EVERY DAY" giveaways for the months of July and August, why? Because, we have a lot going on here in our personal lives, especially mine. First off, I'm getting married in less than 27 days, which means a ton of prep'ing, and the entire staff wants to enjoy our summer without having to slave in front of a computer nor an Xbox over these hot summer days. (I can't speak for Jason, where it's winter there now) Have no fear, as Underdog would say. We will still be keeping you up-to-date on the all the Xbox news, reviews and interviews! We haven't lost our minds totally here. (-:Source: