NEWS - Friday, July 19, 2002

An Online Petition to Boycott EA!
Ladies and Gentleman, Xbox players everywhere.. the time has come for the gamers to speak out, for David to defeat Goliath in a sense. A fellow Xbox gamer has started an online petition against the largest game publisher in the world, Electronic Arts, regarding it's shotty line-up for the Xbox and the lack of content that other systems are recieving such as online play. Here's the skinny:We as Xbox gamers are tired of Electronic Arts (EA) Restricting Xbox versions of Games. EA are clearly against Xbox, and by porting weaker console games to the most poweful console - Xbox they are clearly ripping off Xfans! 1. They said that they would give us Medal of Honor Allied Assault, then instead they are giving us a PS2 port of Medal of Honor Frontline. 2. They give us Battlefield 1942, and take out the best part in the online gaming. 3. They don't give us Tiger Woods 2002. 4. They give us F1 2001 at the end of 2001, while in the beginning of 2002 they give PS2 and Gamecube F1 2002, and have not even announced F1 2002 for Xbox yet, so they might be taking the F1 series away from Xfans. And the worst thing they've done: they are going to take the online modes out of the Xbox versions of games in the future. Such as Madden 2003. And it is possible to easily make the online features available on the Xbox, but they just don't want to. So we, as Xbox gamers, and those who sign this petition - are boycotting Electronic Arts. Instead of buying their games we will buy games made by Microsoft and Sega Sports. If we are "hooked" on any particular EA game we will buy these games used, or on websites such as Ebay, or therefore reducing the profit that EA rip out of us all. EA thinks that they can cut us off and restrict our options. NO!!! We are officially cutting EA off by not giving them our money, and buying used or competitors games. We already have about 300 signatures in the first two days of the boycott's existance. That is at least $50,000 a year in losses for Electronic Arts if you figure each gamer buys 3 EA games a year. And the losses will grow with more signatures. EA needs to learn that business is all about supply and demand. We demand an equal gaming experience with software that PS2 and Gamecube Owners are getting, and EA are not supplying it to us. So we will boycott them until they show us an effort to do so.And there you have it folks. So far the petition has gathered a total of 800 names from gamers, such as yourselves, that will not bow - but will fight! Of course as with all online petitions, it's easy to sign your name... it takes more to restrain from purchasing. Make a difference.. sign up here!!!