NEWS - Monday, May 5, 2003

Info on May 10th, Final Day for Giveaway!
First off, Saturday May 10 at 5 PM EST is everyones last chance to win. Saturday is also the day that the two big prizes will be given out. APC Product KDS Xblaster To win these two prizes, you must have already won a prize with the 30 Day Giveaway. Remember, the contest rewards people for site participation. Coming into the chatroom and winning is a big part of the contest and site participation. The better your stats, the better of a chance the 30 Day winners will have to win the 2 big prizes. There will be NO Q&A for those prizes. We will average out everyone stats so there will be a minimum requirement to win the prizes and those people that qualify will be in a random drawing. Please plan to attend the last day of the drawing. Past 30 Day Winners are required to be in the chatroom for their chance to win. It would be lame to award someone for site participation and the winner not be there. May 10 will also have Q&A prizes just like the past twenty-some days for Addicts to win. Those winners on that day will also be able to win the 2 big prizes. So Saturday, May 10, 2003 at 5 PM EST, (Time is subject to change, check back Wednesday to final time), be there!!!!!!Source: