NEWS - Wednesday, December 17, 2003

(RUMOR) - Microsoft Unhappy With Halo 2 Multiplay
Heres the rumors: - The game is being delayed mainly because MS isnt happy with the MP/online gameplay. (I mentioned that before.) From the way he talked, one of the issues that had to be dealt with was lag time. Im sure thats not the only issue with the online play though. - The game will most likely not make it to the shelves until the fall. - They recently added 5 new levels to the game. He didnt say if these are soley MP levels/maps or if they are integrated into the single player game and story. It could be a forum member shooting off his mouth, but somehow, even if the source turns out to be faked, I wouldnt be surprised if MS really wasnt pleased with Online Play and thats whats causing the delay. Remember, the original Halo team hasnt done anything truely online yet, the PC version was ported by Gearbox and the original Halo only included system linking.Source: