NEWS - Saturday, March 3, 2001

XBOX fake unmasked
So everyone and their brother who is into the XBOX downloaded the 18mb XBOX commercial that turned out to be a fake. Dailyradar found the creator of the Ad and shot off a few questions about the reasoning behind the fake promo and the entire process which cost the 22 year-old college student in Phoenix, Roger Tinch, only $60 for his demo reel. One could speculate that well be seeing more of these little thingies on the net as the XBOX launch approaches. You can click here to read the piece.
DR: How did you come up with the idea of a guy lying on the couch just marking the days?RT: The whole concept came about in December when there were no pictures of the Xbox, just a bunch of rumors flying around. So we had to advertise the Xbox, but not show it. And like most people, I was just waiting for the Xbox; for the look of it; for the games. So I just thought of the idea of a kid in a room, but make it a little bit bigger. And we wanted it to look like the official Xbox site, as well. From there, we just sorted of brainstormed.