NEWS - Friday, August 6, 2004

(RUMOR) - Carmelo Anthony On Cover Of NBA Live 05?
Though Electronic Arts won't announce its NBA Live 2005 cover athlete until next week, it appears the lucky baller has already been unmasked. A product listing for the Xbox version of the game on clearly shows Denver Nuggets small forward Carmelo Anthony on the boxart. If true, the selection of Anthony would be an interesting choice. For one, the first-round draft pick--and near-rookie of the year--has already been on the cover of an EA Sports game, March Madness 2004. Secondly, much of NBA Live 2005's focus is on its new freestyle dunking engine, but Anthony is not known for his acrobatic jams. However, Anthony's choice is not official--yet. EA Sports reps contacted by GameSpot would not confirm nor deny the authenticity of the boxart on, saying only that cover athlete will be officially unveiled August 10. NBA Live 2005 will be released for the PC, Xbox, GameCube, and PlayStation 2 October 10. You can be sure we will let you know August 10th who will be on the cover.Source: