NEWS - Thursday, May 19, 2005

E3 2005: New Brothers In Arms
E3 2005: New Brothers in Arms Game Announced May 18, 2005 - Ubisoft and Gearbox announced the next installment to their Brothers in Arms franchise today, titled Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood. There had been rumors of a sequel following shortly after, but it wasnt officially confirmed until today. Earned in Blood, due this holiday season for "consoles and PC," will continue the saga of Colonel Harstock, who was part of the historic Normandy invasion in the previous game. Starting from Carentan, Hartsock will eventually help secure the entire Normandy region for the bulk of the Allied invasion force in western Europe. In addition to more story, EiB will include new multiplayer missions, weapons, vehicles, and a co-op skirmish mode in which one or two players will "take a tour of duty through a series of authentic and harrowing custom combat missions." Lastly, were promised revamped enemy AI.Source: