NEWS - Sunday, March 19, 2006

Ballmer Wants To Capitalize On PS3 Delay
In every other generation, the first guy to 10 million consoles was the number one seller in the generation," Ballmer told FORTUNE in an interview on Thursday afternoon. "Did we just get an even better opportunity to be the first guy to 10 million? Yeah, of course we did." Microsoft have said that they will not formally revise its projected market share for the Xbox 360, and it will not speed up production to capitalize on Sonys delay, because its already producing the Xbox as fast as possible. "Weve been saying make them faster before yesterday," says Ballmer. There is still a production bottleneck because of problems with a component vendor, whom Ballmer declined to name, but he expects Microsoft to sell 5 million systems by June. "Were sort-of on track," he says, "though it wouldve been nice at Christmas to have one for everyone who wanted one." "I am palpably optimistic," Ballmer says. "I think we are absolutely in the game for the market position it would be nice to have." Ballmer dismissed Sonys expectation that Playstations Blu-Ray DVD player will give it an advantage over the Xbox, which will soon offer an HD-DVD peripheral. "Sonys going to try and define that as a fundamental battleground, but I dont think it is a fundamental battleground," he says. "I dont care whether its Blu-Ray or HD-DVD, theres not going to be a lot of content in either format this year." For now, Ballmer says, the timing advantage is all that matters. "Its not going to be that way forever," he says, "but were clearly in the phase where its about how fast we can make them."Source: