NEWS - Thursday, April 27, 2006

Xbox 360s E3 Demos On Live
Xbox 360 executive Peter Moore says that it wont just be the demo of Capcoms Lost Planet that Xbox Live users get to try out while were over in the States - Microsoft plans to make several of the E3 demos available during the show. In an interview on the consoles official website, Moore said, "Xbox Live members should be able to play many of the demos that even the celebrities will be testing out at E3." Excellent news for those of you who cant be bothered to kick Elijah Wood out of the way all the time. "It is our goal to bring E3 home to Xbox Live members as best we can, all the videos and the news as quickly as possible," he told "We will give you the flavour of whats going on, on the show floor and some of the stuff that we are showing and debuting here." Advertisement The pre-E3 interview page also suggests that Crackdown, Gears of War, Too Human, Mass Effect, Viva Piñata, Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey will make some sort of appearance at the show - good news indeed - and implied that Xbox Live Arcade will also see announcements. "We also need to look at Xbox Live Arcade as an incredible example of a non-intimidating way to break your way back into videogames," he said. Expect to hear much more from Microsoft at E3.Source: