NEWS - Thursday, May 31, 2001

LucasArts @ TeamXbox
Interviews will be steadily flowing from the guys and gals over at TeamXbox over the next few weeks as they post the interviews conducted at E3. In todays installment, Bart catches up with Reeve Thompson, producer of the StarFighter series of games from LucasArts, to talk about the upcoming StarFighter Special Edition for the Xbox.TXB"Why bring Star Fighter to the Xbox?"Be sure to head over and check out the rest.RT"If youre familiar with StarFighter, youll know that it was a huge success for us critically and from the fans. That is a big reason we decided to bring StarFighter Special Edition over to the Xbox. With Special Edition we said hey, we have time. Xbox isnt launching until November. We decided to revisit some of the aspects of Star Fighter that we wanted to touch upon again."