NEWS - Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Arcade: Worms
Name: Worms Price: 800 Points Availability: All Xbox Live regions Dash Details: Single Player, Xbox Live Multiplayer 1-4, 5.1 Surround Sound, HD (High Definition). Gird your loins, grow a spine, and prepare yourself for war! The worms are back, ready to kick some dirt, and itching to give you all the mayhem you can handle! In the full version, you can battle up to three other players on one of three random landscape themes, change the multitude of game settings, collect all of the 12 achievements, and write your name in the “Worms” hall of fame. Don’t delay, show some backbone, and buy “Worms” now -- the invertebrate army wants YOU! Size: 42.29 MB Features Worms is a cleverly balanced turn-based strategy game in which teams of worms battle across bizarre randomly generated landscapes for supremacy. Each team takes its turn to pick off the opposing teams using crazy weapons, tools, and other utilities, as well as whatever foul strategies they can devise. Worms die when they lose all of their energy or plunge into the water. The winning team is the one that manages to survive the mayhem and have worms left standing when the dust settles. Sound simple? Easy to play but difficult to master, its a game of deep strategy that belies its simple appearance.Source: