NEWS - Thursday, March 29, 2007
MS Reveals 360’s 120Gb HDD Pre-Loaded Content
Microsoft has revealed details on content that'll come pre-loaded on the stand-alone version of the 120Gb hard drive for Xbox 360, which has just been announced alongside Xbox 360 Elite. The full game of Hexic HD, high definition game trailers, demos of Xbox Live Arcade titles, three to five game demos (precisely which game demos are pre-loaded is apparently based on region) and a number of themes and gamer pics will be pre-loaded. HD trailers include Forza 2 customisation and damage videos, Halo Wars, Fable 2, Halo 3 TV Ad, Halo 3 Trailer, Halo 3 et tu brute video, Accessories TV Spot, Wireless World Video and Holiday '06 Accessories Video. Playable demos, meanwhile, include Call of Duty 3, Lego Star Wars II and Geometry Wars. Demos list: * Assault Heroes * Cloning Clyde * Geometry Wars * Marble Blast Ultra * Small Arms * Feeding Frenzy * Uno * Pac-Man * Street Fighter II * Lumines Live! * Zuma * Heavy Weapon * Lego Star Wars II * Lost Planet (multiplayer Live) * Madden '07 * Fusion Frenzy 2 * Call of Duty 3 Hexic HD (full game) will also come pre-loaded on the 120Gb HDD that comes bundled with the Xbox 360 Elite. This is joined by Step into Liquid, Justice League, The Goal 2/3, Adidas Clip #1, Adidas Clip #2, UFC All Access, Viva Piñata, Warren Miller - Extreme Sports videos, playable demos of Tomb Raider: Legend, Kameo and Burnout Revenge and a themes and gamer pics.Source: