NEWS - Thursday, May 3, 2007

Forza Motorsport 2: Achievements
1. All Time Trials Set Beat the target time in every Time Trial race. 40 Points 2. All Bronze Arcade Achieve a bronze medal in every Arcade Race. 15 Points 3. All Silver Arcade Achieve a silver medal in every Arcade Race. 25 Points 4. All Gold Arcade Achieve a gold medal in every Arcade Race. 35 Points 5. Flawless Lap Awarded to the driver(s) who finish a lap with no time penalty against an opponent. 5 Points 6. Flawless Race Awarded to the driver(s) who finish the race with no time penalty against an opponent. 5 Points 7. Natural Awarded to the single driver who wins the race with all Assists turned off. 5 Points 8. Hardcore Awarded to the single driver who wins the race with full Difficulty, including no Assists. 5 Points 9. Underdog Awarded to the driver who wins the race with a car in the lowest PI of the field. 5 Points 10. Blowout Awarded to the driver who wins the race, beating the rest of the field by a full race section. 5 Points 11. Crushing Victory Awarded to any driver who finishes the race with a lapped opponent. 5 Points 12. Hard Charger Awarded to the driver who starts in 8th place and comes in 1st place. 5 Points 13. Level 1 Reach Level 1 in Career mode. 5 Points 14. All Gold (Proving Grounds) Achieve a gold medal in every Career event of the Proving Grounds Race Type. 15 Points 15. Level 10 Reach Level 10 in Career mode. 15 Points 16. All Gold (Manufacturer Club) Achieve a gold medal in every Career event of the Manufacturer Race Type. 20 Points 17. Level 20 Reach Level 20 in Career mode. 20 Points 18. All Gold (Amateur Cup) Achieve a gold medal in every Career event of the Amateur Race Type. 25 Points 19. All Gold (Rivalry Face-offs) Achieve a gold medal in every Career event of the Rivalry Race Type. 30 Points 20. Level 30 Reach Level 30 in Career mode. 30 Points 21. All Gold (Semi-Pro Events) Achieve a gold medal in every Career event of the Semi-Pro Race Type. 35 Points 22. All Gold (Factory-Spec) Achieve a gold medal in every Career event of the Pro Spec Race Type. 40 Points 23. Level 40 Reach Level 40 in Career mode. 40 Points 24. All Gold (Regional Championship) Achieve a gold medal in every Career event of the Regional Championship. 50 Points 25. All Gold (Professional Series) Achieve a gold medal in every Career event of the Pro Series Race Type. 60 Points 26. All Gold (Endurance) Achieve a gold medal in every Career event of the Endurance Race Type. 70 Points 27. Level 50 Reach Level 50 in Career mode. 50 Points 28. All Gold All Race Types Achieve a gold medal in every Career Race Type. 75 Points 29. Car Level 5 Achieve a car level of 5 in Career mode. 5 Points 30. All Cars from France Collect all of the cars from France in your Career garage. 1 Points 31. All Cars from Germany Collect all of the cars from Germany in your Career garage. 15 Points 32. All Cars from Italy Collect all of the cars from Italy in your Career garage. 10 Points 33. All Cars from Japan Collect all of the cars from Japan in your Career garage. 30 Points 34. All Cars from Korea Collect all of the cars from Korea in your Career garage. 1 Points 35. All Cars from Spain Collect all of the cars from Spain in your Career garage. 1 Points 36. All Cars from Sweden Collect all of the cars from Sweden in your Career garage. 2 Points 37. All Cars from the United Kingdom Collect all of the cars from the United Kingdom in your Career garage. 5 Points 38. All Cars from the United States Collect all of the cars from the United States in your Career garage. 25 Points 39. 1,000,000 Online Credits Earn 1,000,000 "Online Credits" from Tournaments and Career races. 30 Points 40. Car Broker Buy or sell 10 cars online in the Auction House. 20 Points 41. Secret Achievement Secret achievement. 30 Points Secret 42. Secret Achievement Secret achievement. 30 Points Secret 43. Secret Achievement Secret achievement. 30 Points Secret 44. Secret Achievement Secret achievement. 30 Points SecretSource: