NEWS - Saturday, July 19, 2008

Marketplace Roundup for July 18, 2008
Title: Too Human
Price: Free
Availability: Japan
Size: 259.96 MB
Dash Text: [CERO: C] Too Human 5週連続映像配信 第5弾 Too Humanを開発するシリコンナイツによるビデオ ダイアリー#4。 Xbox LIVE 協力プレイのシステムとその楽しみ方を解説。
Title: Gears of War® 2
Price: Free
Availability: All regions except Canada, Germany, United States
Dash Text: Download this trailer. (Not Rated)
Price: Free
Availability: Canada and United States
Dash Text: [ESRB: M (Mature) BLOOD AND GORE,INTENSE VIOLENCE,STRONG LANGUAGE] Cliff Bleszinski unveils a new campaign chapter, “Sinkhole,” during Microsoft’s press briefing in Los Angeles, CA. Released July 16, 2008
Title: Brothers In Arms Hells Highway
Price: Free
Availability: Canada and United States
Dash Text: [ESRB: M (Mature) BLOOD AND GORE,INTENSE VIOLENCE,STRONG LANGUAGE] Download now to check out tank driving and other tank combat options in Brothers in Arms Hells Highway
Title: Prince Of Persia
Price: Freem
Availability: All Xbox LIVE regions
Size: 168.31 MB
Dash Text: [ESRB: RP (Rating Pending)] A new prince and a mysterious new ally! Watch the first trailer of Prince Of Persia and discover more about this epic blockbuster coming to your XBOX 360 in 2008.
Title: E3 2008
Price: Free
Availability: All Xbox LIVE regions
Dash Text: [ESRB: T (Teen) MILD LANGUAGE,PARTIAL NUDITY,SEXUAL THEMES,VIOLENCE] Watch the coolest new game trailers from E3 2008.
Price: Free
Availability: Not available in Germany
Dash Text: [ESRB: RP (Rating Pending)] Watch the coolest new game trailers from E3 2008.
Price: Free
Availability: All Xbox LIVE regions
Dash Text: [ESRB: RP (Rating Pending)] Watch the coolest new game trailers from E3 2008.
Price: Free
Availability: All Xbox LIVE regions
Dash Text: [ESRB: RP (Rating Pending)] Watch the coolest new game trailers from E3 2008.
Price: Free
Availability: All Xbox LIVE regions
Dash Text: [ESRB: T (Teen) ALCOHOL REFERENCE,MILD LANGUAGE,SUGGESTIVE THEMES,VIOLENCE] Watch the coolest new game trailers from E3 2008.
Price: Free
Availability: All Xbox LIVE regions
Dash Text: [ESRB: E (Everyone)] Watch the coolest new behind-the-scenes videos from E3 2008.
Price: Free
Availability: All Xbox LIVE regions
Dash Text: [ESRB: E (Everyone)] Experience the coolest new behind-the-scenes videos from E3 2008.
Gamer Picture
Title: NCAA® Football 09
Price: Free
Availability: Only in United States
Dash Text: Downloading this gamer picture enters US residents in the NCAA Football 09 LIVE Weekend promotion. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Open only to legal residents of the 50 United States. Contest closes July 27, 2008. By downloading this item you are allowing Microsoft to contact you from time to time about this promotion. For full contest rules and details visit