Ok, now this is a good topic . . who is for it and agaist it, please vote and state your reasons . . .

I am against it . . . for a few reasons

1. Not the direction that MS should to take this console . . . this is a console and a keyboard and mouse IMHO has no place being used on it, it would make the system more like a computer and less appealing to the public, well that what i think anyway

2. Everyone playing games should use the SAME type of input device . . . now givin some contorllers vary a little from other (S-type, Madcatz, Gamster . . . ) but they all have 2 anolog sticks, a D-pad, 2 triggers, A, B, X, Y, white and black buttons . . . . now some people might be better at FPS with a mouse and keyboard, and thats fine there r plenty of quality shooters for the PC . . . but i feel that everyone should be usding the same 'type' of controller and a mouse and keyboard is totaly differnet then the controllers . . .

3. When XBL comes out all game will use the headset communicator, and the communicator come with the year of service when u buy XBL, so there is no reason to have a keyboard to communicate, since voice comminication is
A) faster
B) more personal (since u accualy hear a voice, masked or not)
C) easier to express emotion (show sarcasm, laughter, or when your really getting your ass handed to ya HATE)
D) not having to inturupt the gameplay to relay a message to teammates
E) all your focus can be on the game and not your spelling

NO FLAMING just say y you want or dont want a K/M