NFL Fever03 got a 7.2 from gamepot, and 7.7 from IGN....they say its exsactly the same as Fever02 except for updated roster!!!


I picked up NFL Fever 2003 yesterday and it is slick. Forget the ratings from magaizines or anyone elese. Check it out for yourself. There are people who say Halo sucks. Just cuz it is said doesnt mean it has any truth in it. The game is tight and everyone should stop bashing it, saying its not as good as Madden or any other football game. It is Xbox exclusive and on Xbox Live, therefore the more it sells the better it is for Xbox and Xbox Live. Which is better for all XBox customers. Get off of EA's nuts and open your eyes. yes they make good games but there are other tight games too. EA is not trying to help out the Xbox so get off their sack and support Xbox.

Im out like a deaf kid in musical chairs!