The developers that is:

How to utilize the nifty features that nVIDIA based XPU (or GPU) has to offer. Since this chip is essentially the core of powerful GeForce 3 Ti500 (some even say more powerful, since it features double VERTEX SHADER Pipelines), we can see some amazing bump mapped textures used in a game (like SHREK, I know the game is lame, just view it as a tip of the iceberg what developers can do in 2nd generation XBox games) or DOA3 and HALO.

Being an avid PC gamer since GeForce 256 (the VERY first GPU that was released almost 4 years ago), I have YET TO SEE any of these features used in a game. (Even Quake III and billion other clones after that)

I am so tired of First Person Shooters on PC, and now that developers have realized the 'true' potential of the GeForce chip for the first time in the past 4 years, I am definitely can say goodbye to PC gaming and enter my 'Consoling' endeavor. (since they don’t utilize them in any PC games anyways)

Funny thing I used to have the opposite feeling about consoles and PC Gaming. (4 years ago)

Heck I am even tired of Quake IV, Doom III and rest of 'PC-Exclusive-Then-Will-Be-A-Lame-Console-Port' clones (yes even UNREAL TOURNAMENT, MAX PAYNE and recently announced Return to Castle Wolfenstein)

Now if only PS2 could do bump mapping and real time Dolby Digital 5.1 encoding