Xbox for the past month has came out with a few big hits. Wreckless, RIW, UFC,NBA2K2 and JSRF. In just the next couple of days THPS3 will come out with an all new level, new characters, new tricks, and even updated graphics superior to the GC and PS2 versions. Along with the ability to download and listen to your own music exclusive to the Xbox.

Rallisport Challenge
Hunter:The reckoning
Blood Omen 2
Triple Play 2002

All come out this March. I would question Hunter though because I've seen a different release date at a .Thats an amazing amount of big hit titles to come in just a few months. Keep in my mind last month was tremendous month for the Xbox and from the looks we might just have another amazing month.

Online Play? Microsoft here has no competition from other consoles. Unless the public decides to go out and spend $140 on add-ons or wait till 2003 for nintendo to even decide if their going to go online Microsoft is pretty much the only one developers can rely on. With up to six games going online when it launches and another 12 by the end of the year online gaming is looking pretty sweet.Some of those games being Unreal Championship an online Multiplayer game with up to 16 people playing at the same time.

Another being Phantasy Star Online 2 confirmed by Sega the sequel to the massive hit on the Dreamcast. Others being

Tom Cancy's: Ghost Recon
Sega 2K3 Sports Titles
Armada 2:Exodus
Shayde: Monsters vs. Humans

Thats just the start of the Xbox online I'm sure we'll here a lot more of that at E3. Which is another thing. MS has cancelled Gamestock (their own show) to put all its efforts into E3. MS will have a lot to show. One already mentioned Online games and products. Its first party games and whats up Bungie's sleeve. Another thing will be...Shenmue 2! What happened to it. I'm sure Sega's holding back for E3. Square will have to close down the project FFXI if it does not go Multi-platform so I'm sure well here an announcement of FFXI for the Xbox at E3.

Up above still doesn't sum up what is happening in 2002. The Xbox European launch this month and great titles like Project Ego, Star Wars; Knights of the Old Republic, and much much more. 2002 as said by many media sources could be the year of the Xbox in this console war.
