Originally posted by Mercury
This is an outrage!!!! I can't MS is so stupid to allow such a move. Haven't they been listening to PC gamers since Nov! They hate xbox. They think it's crap, and it's mostly because they love their beloved PCs. Now they are giving them Halo! WTF!

Now they've lost any chance of PC gamers switching over to xbox. It's all over for the xbox. I'm trading it in for a PS2. Because I don't want to continue putting in money into a doomed console. Which xbox now is.

And we don't have bragging rights at all now. PS2 does. They have a lot of them. FF, Devil may cry, etc. Games that will be only on the PS2. MS you are bunch of fools!
You my friend, are a complete idiot. Your ignorance really shows in your two posts. MS isn't stupid. If they were, they wouldn't be the richest company in the world for the most part. I am sure they have reasons, and I'm sure those reasons are good. Get over it.