Originally posted by MerimacHamwich

That was unneeded sarcasm. Heck, it isn't even what he said. He said watching TV and playing games is hard to not have static images. However, if you watch a DVD, or any other moie device then there won'tbe static images. So you can use your tv.
Use your noodle CALzinger.
I'll do that...For now, use your eyes MerimacHamwich. If you go to LynxFX's site, it shows exactly this:
NO FIXED IMAGES, for any length of time, EVER! This means pausing video games and static health bars, ticker tape bands, menu images, strong bright logos like MSNBC.
That basically means...no types of video games, dvd movies, or channels with fixed logos. That pretty much means you can't use it like I said. Then again, I know what he means.