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Thread: New Splinter Cell 4 pics

  1. #1
    Repin' the ATL
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    Default New Splinter Cell 4 pics


    Ok another game to add to the list of games to get in the near future

  2. #2


    Beautiful. Can't wait for this game

  3. #3
    wow killerscott's Avatar
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    It looks nice but those pictures show us nothing of what the game actually looks like. We all know that, c'mon. I will have to wait untill I see in game footage.

    My xbox360 games list as of right now... It will grow!

    2.Perfect Dark Zero
    3.Call of Duty 2
    7.Dead Rising
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  4. #4
    Xba's Official Hierarch TheCovenant's Avatar
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    I dont know about that, killerscott. Nothing in those pictures seem outside the realm of possibility.
    Don't RTFM me! I already RTFMed, okay!

  5. #5
    Lobotomized laughs's Avatar
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    If the game looks like that, all I can say is wow.

    Hidden Content Originally Posted by Willy-XBA Hidden Content
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  6. #6
    Quiero beber CuartoDePuto's Avatar
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    Wow, I am into it. When does this game come out? I need to add it to my gamefly queue stat. With all these 360 games, i need to upgrade my plan.

    those pictures are amazing

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Yep I just looked at this one kids GameInformer today in study hall and all of those pics and alot more were in it. It sounds like it is going to be excellent.

  8. #8
    El Xbox Adicto Double_Diablo's Avatar
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    Excuse me while I clean up the puddle of drool beneath my computer...

  9. #9
    Master of Pong
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    You guys are going nuts over cutscenes?


  10. #10
    Vegetarian Zombie Kyle Static's Avatar
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    The first picture looks too good to be true. Same is the only thing that looks like it came from the game....I mean the police's facial structure looks more developed than Sams for gods sake.....looks like a drawing or a cutscene. Either way..the second and third look amazing...and I can't wait.
    Dr. Tran's Giving Away the Hot D*ckings!

  11. #11


    Man, I don't know. Add me to the list of IF this is in game (which is doubtful from the camera angles) then holy ****ing ****.

  12. #12
    Loves Katamari Damacy StudioAlex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by swivel
    You guys are going nuts over cutscenes?

    Even cutscenes are representative if they are rendered in-engine. I think these pics, which look, admittedly, like mock ups, are a pretty fair representation of what we can expect. I was actually a little under whelmed by them. This isn't like the whole Kill Zone 2 demo thing.

  13. #13
    Master of Pong
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    Quote Originally Posted by StudioAlex-XBA
    Even cutscenes are representative if they are rendered in-engine. I think these pics, which look, admittedly, like mock ups, are a pretty fair representation of what we can expect. I was actually a little under whelmed by them. This isn't like the whole Kill Zone 2 demo thing.
    Cutscenes rendered by the game engine are never representative of what the game can look like. In the cutscene, the world outside of the scene does not exist and does not need to be buffered. The planned camera path, pans, fades, etc... are predetermined, so you do not need to worry about the player suddenly looking in another direction. There is zero AI, just scripted sequences.

    This is why game magazines have quit using 3D demos for benchmarking... graphics companies can tweak for better performance for known routines. The same thing works in the other direction, a dev can tweak a cutscene with the same engine, and make it look 10 times as good.

    I urge you to look into this, it will make you a more informed gamer, and you can help the rest of us in the know dispell these myths.

  14. #14
    Loves Katamari Damacy StudioAlex's Avatar
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    There's a clear difference in the Killzone 2 trailer and these pictures. What I meant by "in-engine" is that the graphics for the movie sequences are made to look like the graphics during gameplay. Take Shenmue, for example. There were tons of dialogue scenes incorporating specialized mo cap and unique animations that may not appear anywhere else, but if you take a screen capture, the graphics are representative of what you see during gameplay, with the exception of the "movie-like" camera angles. These Splinter Cell shots seem to be staged in terms of angles and composition for dramatic purposes and to produce a more dynamic feel. But that doesn't mean the regular game (where your main viewpoint is the more mundane angle of Sam's backside) won't have the same basic graphic quality. This isn't the same as releasing a tech demo for a graphics card and then saying your game is going to look precisely that good.

    Quit with the arrogant didacticism and you can help your reputation around these boards.
    Last edited by StudioAlex; 12-15-2005 at 12:37 PM.

  15. #15
    Thief. Whore. Liar. Whisper's Avatar
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    use your heads.. it is so easy to tell that these are not in-game...

    movie-like camera angles.. and improved animation.. sure it may be "in-engine" .. but what you see is not what you get "in play"

    I used to post here a lot.

  16. #16


    Good point whisper. I mean really how can you get any better then that? It must be cinematics. Still this game is gonna look sooo good!

  17. #17
    Master of Pong
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    Quote Originally Posted by StudioAlex-XBA
    There's a clear difference in the Killzone 2 trailer and these pictures. What I meant by "in-engine" is that the graphics for the movie sequences are made to look like the graphics during gameplay. Take Shenmue, for example. There were tons of dialogue scenes incorporating specialized mo cap and unique animations that may not appear anywhere else, but if you take a screen capture, the graphics are representative of what you see during gameplay, with the exception of the "movie-like" camera angles. These Splinter Cell shots seem to be staged in terms of angles and composition for dramatic purposes and to produce a more dynamic feel. But that doesn't mean the regular game (where your main viewpoint is the more mundane angle of Sam's backside) won't have the same basic graphic quality. This isn't the same as releasing a tech demo for a graphics card and then saying your game is going to look precisely that good.

    Quit with the arrogant didacticism and you can help your reputation around these boards.
    I didn't know I had a reputation around here. And why am I the arrogant one? You are the one telling me what these pictures mean for the future of the franchise, I am offering cautious skepticism.

    Again, why are the mods around here the rudest members? Unreal. I'm not allowed to disagree now? Is this a forum, or a cult? All I did was offer some technical advice regarding how demos, screenshots, and cutscenes differ in power needs from actual gameplay. Instead of taking the time to learn something, you have to come back and attack me? Please lay off.

    Back on topic:

    I have yet to see a game, in the history of gaming, look as good as the hyped images that preceeded it. Devs pick the absolute best pictures, taken at the highest res, of the prettiest sequences. A skeptic will always expect history to repeat itself until otherwise disproven. That is the stance I am taking.

    And like another wise poster stated, it is very easy to tell when a graphic is in-game or not. The God of War shots are great examples. Those scenes do not look like a playable frame of reference, therefore they are most likely not in-game. Same with these pics.

    I will grant that this series has a proven history of pushing the boundaries of what is possible with graphics, and I can't wait to see what they can do with this new hardware. But I will not ever expect a game to look like the images they use to sell us the game. And the last Tomb Raider and Madden have taught me the lesson of relying on a franchise's past success.

  18. #18
    I know stuff Spaztic's Avatar
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    I will believe it when I see it!

  19. #19
    Loves Katamari Damacy StudioAlex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by swivel
    I didn't know I had a reputation around here. And why am I the arrogant one? You are the one telling me what these pictures mean for the future of the franchise, I am offering cautious skepticism.

    Again, why are the mods around here the rudest members? Unreal. I'm not allowed to disagree now? Is this a forum, or a cult? All I did was offer some technical advice regarding how demos, screenshots, and cutscenes differ in power needs from actual gameplay. Instead of taking the time to learn something, you have to come back and attack me? Please lay off.
    You talk down to people. I merely expressed my opinion that I thought these images were reasonable in terms of expectations, perhaps even below what I personally expected to see from this series in its next-gen form, and you went on to lecture me about things I'm well aware of and were beside the point I was making. You claim to be a great skeptic but I remember fairly well your overly-enthusiastic response to the revolution controller. I've watched you take pot shots at the 360 in various threads, even going to the extent of belittling it by referring to it as"xbox 2". All that is certainly fine, and I would be remiss if I said I wasn't somewhat dissapointed in the 360 thus far, but it's obvious you take great joy in the role of the board polemicist and general xbox contrarian. I just wish you'd get off your cross every time someone calls you on it. That said, I apologize for the name calling.

    Just so you know, I'm not a mod and this exchange is precisely the reason I turned the position down. I'd rather be free to speak my mind and I'd be less inclined to do so if were supposed to be leading by example.

  20. #20
    ZOMG I was h4xx3d J3bus WTF's Avatar
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    I heard that there is a trailer out, anyone know where to get it?
    EDIT: oh nevermind, I found it.
    Last edited by J3bus WTF; 12-15-2005 at 11:55 PM.

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