Gears of War 2: All Fronts DLC
by Rick WallaceGears of War 2 has been supported enormously by Epic Games and the community gives the game all the love it can take when it comes to playtime. The Gears platform has the same cult following as one would expect for titles like Halo or Call of Duty. So it only makes sense for Epic to continue to support the game with constant downloadable content. That brings us to the newest content on the marketplace. When viewing marketplace you will see 2 new downloads available. The first is called Dark Corners, which will be addressing in this article, and the second is All Fronts. All Front is for those folks that have not yet downloaded any map packs. You’ll get all the maps that have been released as DLC up to this point as well as the single player Deleted Scene for 1600 MSP.
But as I said, let’s just talk about the Dark Corners download. Dark Corners is going to run you 1200 Microsoft Points and you will get 7 multiplayer maps and then the single player/co-op Deleted Scene. The seven maps you get are: All Fathers Garden, Highway, Memorial, Nowhere, Sanctuary, Way Station, and War Machine. For those wondering, yes, War Machine is a map from the original Gear of War.
The maps you are getting should please any multiplayer guru. Some of the maps are close combat and produce constant action while other are laid out more for teamwork and produce much more tactical battles. The graphics are great as would be expected and the way these maps play is definitely gives a new and fresh experience.