Star Wars: Rogue One Pinball FX 2 Table
by John Elliott
Here I am writing about another Pinball FX2 table, and I am just as excited as I was when I wrote my first Pinball FX2 review, especially so with this title being based on Star Wars: Rogue One, the latest instalment in the Star Wars universe. As someone who saw the movie on opening weekend you can be 100% for sure that I am eager to give this table a good spin.

The Rogue One table tells the tale of the events leading up to Episode IV in the Star Wars: Skywalker Saga. Jyn Erso and her band of rogues do what they can to steal the plans to the Death Star so that the rebellion has a fighting chance. It's very unlikely that those playing this table aren't well aware of the story events that surround this table, but that should give you the basics just in case you are part of the minority who hasn't seen this great saga. Wait a second, if you haven't watched Star Wars at all before then you need to stop reading this review and go off and watch the movies. Star Wars in general are films you have to see, not just because they're awesome, but because they hold such a prominent place in our culture.

Ok, back to the review. The table itself plays really well, but it does take some time to build up in the speed department which is my preferred type of table. However, when it does build up the table moves lightning fast and incorporates some cool features ithat you can take advantage of. One of these bad boys is exclusive to the table and is activated manually by holding down the launch button which puts the Magna Save into motion and saves your ball from disaster. Keep in mind that you have to have the Magna Save active to take advantage of this tool and save yourself.

There are story modes that you unlock throughout the table, like simple missions that require shooting soldiers with the ball as you sneak into the base to get some extra points. There are also more complicated missions like fighting Director Krennic along with his Troopers in a multi-ball mode that is quite insane at times, doing the whole balancing act to keep everything going. Personally, I love how there is a good balance between the different modes, where some of them are insane, but others are a bit slower and that gives you a break before busting out your skills to score big points.

As someone who has seen the movie, I was brought back to the rugged and gritty atmosphere that is portrayed in the film and I really appreciated how they incorporated several of the environments into the table. Areas like the surface of Scariff, the inside of the base on Scariff, and a glimpse of the Death Star, like the dish where the weapon of the Death Star shoots from. The sound effects and music are classic Star Wars with the orchestra music playing in the background and the laser bolts flying through the air, combined with the other signature sounds that are prevalent in any pinball table, all which makes for an excellent presentation.

As an avid Pinball FX2 player this is what I have become accustomed to from the developers at Zen Studios. They take a world and make their own immersive version in the form of Pinball art. The variety of different missions to accomplish in the table works well with a great balance of speed and moderation to give you a break during those tougher missions. The table of course is beautifully crafted and designed well, combing graphic and audio presentations to create the perfect atmosphere which recreates the Rogue One storyline perfectly. Once again, virtual pinball fans will be happy to know that this ia another great table from the team at Zen Studios.
Overall Score: 8.9