
first of all I'm a Star Wars fan. Okay, maybe not what people would call a fan, I mean I don't dress up, go to conventions and stuff, but I watch the movies, read one or the other book, buy one or the other soundtrack and play the games. I do have a relatively old PC (Athlon 600 MhZ, 128 RAM, TNT2), but since I've never, neither financially, nor from a motivational point of view, been into updating hardware all the time, I was thinking about getting one of the consoles. I don't think I'll buy the PS2...personal reasons, you know (good one eh' ? *lol*), so it's either Xbox or GCN. I almost bought an Xbox yesterday, but what held me back in the last moment was that I found out that Lucasarts had this game in the making, Bounty Hunter, for PS2 (but I don't care about that) and GCN. Now what the f... is Lucasarts thinking anyway, bringing out a couple of games for one console and a couple of different games (SW games I'm talking about) for another console, but only very few for both the consoles I'm currently interested in ? So here are my questions:

1. It it worth buying a GCN just for Bounty Hunter and Rogue Squadron 2?

2. Is there any chance that either one of them or maybe even both will ever come out for Xbox ?

3. What do you guys think about Knights of the Old Republic (sounds cool to me) and Obi Wan (didn't read a lot of positive stuff about this one)

4. On the 2nd teaser picture Lucasarts released about their E3-Lineup you can see a symbol of the Republic on the vehicle. Anyone has more infos on this one or know if it will come out on Xbox ?

Thanks in advance and greetings from Spain