Want to know where ex-Xbox executives go? We have the answer for you - and it appears as if the hardcore gamers are going to be very happy.

Current word "on the street" has it that Seamus Blackley and Kevin Bachus (both formerly with Microsoft working to bring the Xbox to life) have joined forces and are set to introduce a new company - Capital Entertainment Group. The new company will seek out developers and help them get their games made, then ultimately, published.

The new startup would take Blackley back to working on games, a place he has always wanted to be. Based in Seattle, the company will focus on games that "that wouldn't otherwise get made," according to Blackley. While focusing on the Xbox (naturally), it is reported that the company would be open to working with other platforms.

Reportedly, Sega will publish the first titles, but they won't be hitting store shelves until 2003, possibly not even until the holiday season. For reasons of time and personal affinity, the company won't be working on massive multiplayer online or handheld games.

"For Seamus and me ... it was really borne out of our desire to increase the level of innovation in the industry," Kevin Bachus told Reuters news service. "CEG is the industry's first independent production company."

We expect a formal announcement of the company soon, as well as a presence at E3 in some manner.