This game is incredible, follow link for the details on it.

Every year or two, a great game slips through the media buzz cracks. Whether through bad marketing, a particularly competitive launch time (Christmas), or just not getting the attention it deserves it goes largely unrecognized. The specifics don’t matter, as the result is always the same. It’s happened time and time again, and will continue to happen time and time again, until publishers decide to spread out the release schedule. And, unfortunately, one upcoming game looks to continue the tradition. That game is the MechAssault 2, sequel to last year’s MechAssault, and no, this isn’t your average sequel. This is your full on, nothing held back, full speed ahead, ramming speed, and then since we’re going at ramming speed, let’s double that ramming speed, make the boat fly, and add laser cannons while we’re at it. This is MechAssault 2, and it’s going to blow you away.