Quote Originally Posted by goldeneyez9 View Post
Hey, I'm Excaliburdc7. Yes, I overpaid for that Halo 3 faceplate, but it was one of the first I purchased and to be frank I didn't know any better...
Also I do plan on going after that x-men faceplate. Not sure I'll win, but can't hurt to try.
Heh, I just sent you a pm. You've got the beginnings of a great collection going!
And like I said in the pm, don't worry about overpaying for that plate - everyone does it when they're starting out (and in some cases long after... but enough about me ) so don't sweat it.

Good luck with the x-men plate. I'm still not sure if I'm going to jump back in and try for it, but at $200 already it looks like the end might be a bloodbath.