This isnt anything special, but I do have to say that collecting these faceplates have really opened my eyes to the types of people out there. In my collecting I've dealt w/ the majority of people I guess who think they are god's gift to faceplate collecting. I will be the first to admit that I'm not the end-all knowledge guru of faceplates, however, I do have an extensive knowledge of some; but to my dismay apparently some of the people I've dealt w/ seem like they've got themselves too far up their own @$$ to even remotly care. I've met people who have been flat out rude, borish, and down right insulting. Now I know natural evolution does exist but seriously though, what crime is it to be nice to a person? Thats why i've turned here b/c though here I've had the chance to talk to some wonderfull people. I know that ebay is designed so that people make a profit (its simple economics that can't be avoided or argued against), however, this doesn't mean that if you are selling an item and you recieve a question or two about it, that you don't have to fire off like some @$$ who conisders other's to be lower than themselves. I've noticed as well there is one word that can sum up a lot of my dealings w/ ppl and that is EGO. People have ego's (and me being an audio producer and dj know this better than most), however, that shouldn't stop someone from being humble. Its like if someone says thats a great collection, or something like that, ppl here tend to be down to earth and humble.
Try that w/ some of the ppl on ebay and you get this attitude like "who the F are you?" I know ppl should be proud of their collections (as I am of mine and my music), but there is a fine line btw pride and arrogance, and in my dealings I've seen that a lot of people don't know the difference. I've enjoyed talking to everyone I've met on here, but the lack of manners and outright courtesy and respect for another really ticks me off. I just want to grab those arrogant P.O.S. and say look, its a F'n faceplate, its not like you're holding the holy grail or anything like that.
Also, I've noticed that ppl. tend to become WAY to defensive about their items as well. I can't believe it. I know some faceplates are rare and that there were limited quantities, but ffs, you know there are more than the one you own out there, so either a) buy the rest of them out, so you controll them all, or b) acknowledge that you have one of many that are available. It all boils down to whats called "respect".
Hopefully you've read this and you feel the same, or you may have a contradicting opinion, but bottom line is that through my dealings outside of this website for faceplates, there are a lot of rude, ****y, and down right @$$e$. I wish I met a lot more ppl from here on ebay, might make my job a lot easier, and would do a lot for the forwarding of humankind lol.