I feel for you, moltenluv, and can identify with how you're feeling. My cat has cost me around $3,000 over her lifetime. Once, she had the same symptoms as your cat, and although I never found out what it was that caused it, I assume she got into some antifreeze or other toxin. First vet said she had no chance, but the second vet I took her to said she had a small chance of survival, but it could be expensive. $1,800 later she was fine. All it took was a lot of IV fluid, and a lot of kitty dope (I think they gave her antibiotics, but don't really remember).

Second time was my fault. I never had her fixed, and would just bear with it when she was in heat, but one morning I woke up and there was blood all over my bed. Turned out she was bleeding from the ******, and profusely at that. I put her in the tub and got online looking around about the symptoms. Turned out she had pyometra, which is basically an infected uterus, and it is very, very bad and can occur in cats that don't get spayed. So, took her straight to the vet, and that one ended up costing me about $1,200.

So, yes, they can be expensive little critters, but anybody with half a heart would do anything they could to save them, as you are. I find that commendable and my thoughts are with you and Mo. I really hope things work out, he looks like a great cat and is absolutely adorable.

Oh, and the pet haters? Screw 'em, they're not worth two seconds of your time.