
Found this forum after meeting a gent who pointed me in this direction. I've been playing XBOX since the original came out in (I think) 2001. Before I figured my way around the GT world, and that you could change the name of it, I found that I had started I think 4 different GT's. Originally I was 'firefytr', then 'TFS FF Zack', then 'firefighterzack' then 'KAOS FF Zack'. I still wish there was a way to combine them and their gamerscore!

A little about me I guess is in order. Besides loving my xbox, I am a fire fighter and paramedic in Oregon, where I serve as a Captain. I love my job and what I do. I also do a lot of Excel work. I run a forum for VBA-based help (vbaexpress.com) and visit various other forums.

Looking forward to browsing the forum and meeting new people.