Recent news stories about Amazon (in the US) reaching their cap on Xbox One and PS4 pre-orders are all over the internet, but I've held off repeating the story on our site because the situation here in Canada is often different, and personally I've already seen pre-order availability for both consoles fluctuate on Best Buy and Futureshop between "Unavailable" and "Available". In fact, the Saturday following E3, Best Buy REFUSED my pre-order, but was taking pre-orders online only a week later, but EB Games easily took my pre-order in-person, promising I'd get my console within the launch week. So as you can imagine, when I see stories of pre-order caps being hit a full 4-5 months before a new console releases, I tend to be a bit skeptical, especially when the situation is always subject to change.

Still, I'm just curious to get a real snapshot of the situation...what's the situation in your neck of the woods? If you walk up to the counter at your local game store or big box store and ask if you can pre-order an Xbox One or PS4, what answer do you get? Is the situation already as dire as the Amazon stories make it out to be?