I have a widescreen SDTV which will display 480p.

When I select 480p in the xbox setup, then load a game, the output on the TV shifts to the left ?! ie, not centered.

Further more, it then shows a reflective image about 1" down the left hand side. As if the 1" section that is now off the screen has been reflected back into view.

So when you play Halo, and you look at you ammo count at the top left, half the text you can't see because it is off the screen, yet you can see the start of the text sort of reflected back.

Am I making sense ?

I just hope that someone else has the same problem and will recognize what I am talking about.

I have tried different hdtv packs and cables.

PS: 480i works perfectly.

The next step is change TVs to see if it is the TV rather than the xbox.