Test drive is off the hook! I haven't been able to put down this game! Now this is a warning this game is like crusing usa, it is an arcade style game! The speed is awsome, the tracks are very nice, the graphics eventhough they aren't nice as pgr they look good. The sdtk on this game is awsome! The cars are sweet, the sounds or the car's rule! Zipping in and out of trafic gives you a huge rush!

....now to the bad, the AI is pretty cheep, they will speed up and pass you like you are standing still sometimes, if you crash they will stop and wait, now it is kinda annoying because it really comes down to the last 30 sec of the race every race, but then again it really makes some white nuckle races, which I enjoy! Other then the AI this game kicks serious ass

I give it a 8.5/10 due to AI and Graphics being somewhat below par! This game is definatly worth $50!!!! Atleast give it a rental!