I am currently writing up this article for a Xbox site (Xboxgamers) and the the article is called Through the eyes of others.

All the article is about is why do you want to buy a certain console. So what I am doing is going to Xbox forums, PS2 forums, and GC, forums and asking everyone there why are you buying a Xbox over the others, Why are you buying a PS2 over the others, or Why are you buying a GC over the others. And thats why the article is named Through the eyes of others cuz it shows why a PS2 gamer is a PS2, or why a Xbox gamer is a Xbox gamer, or why a Gamecube gamer is a GC gamer.

So what I want yall to do is write up 4 or more paragraphs explaining if you had one time to just pick one console...why would you pick a Xbox over the others.

Remember I need 4 or more paragraphs telling why.

Don't just say stuff like.. "Cuz the PS2 and GC sucks"...well if they do suck then explain in 4 paragraphs why they suck. Explain what the Xbox has that you like that others don't. Or explain what the PS2 and the GC has that you hate. Explain all of that. This is a post that really shows the talent of the people here.

Also I didn't mention this at the beginning but I'll pick the 3 best replies and I'll post them in the article along with your name and the Forums I got them from. So this is a chance to get your writing posted up on a major Xbox site for millions to read over, along with the forums that you represent.

So please do your best on this work cuz this is a great opportunity to see your writings on a site which doesn't come often.

~Draco, Do your best...