Dreamcast had TWO games per week, PS2 has many crappy games (but HAS them nonetheless) but noooo, my $299 Xbox hasn't seen any quality game after 8~9 months or so.

You browse OXM, and many other XBox magazines and all you see are PREVIEWS, E3 Coverage, etc...Well preview my A**.

I need some games, and I need them NOW. I still can't believe that Dreamcast has 200+ "quality" games in its sweet, short, little life.

I don't want to wait till this Christmas to see Live enabled games, (mostly red-neck sport games anyways). I want to see old school shooters, platformers, 2D fighters, and all around good games that graced Dreamcast.

Heck I am “forcing” myself by playing GameCube’s RESIDENT EVIL (great game btw) to let this dry summer season pass…

Maybe if I bought it at $199 I wouldn't be this ****ed off…