Well I dont know about the rest of you but I have been going through hell with preoreders since early june. First I preordered my xbox from chips&bits . Then on Halloween I became paranoid for some reason so I called them to ask when it will be ready to be shipped. They told me that not till FEBUARY!!!!! I was going out of my mind and started going crazy looking for another place taking preorders to be delivered launch. Then I found neugames. A piece of crap website that say they will ship on launch but after I sent my order I noticed they have no customer service line to contact them. All they have is yahoo mail. Ive been sending emails to them to cancel for the past week and a half, figuring it was a scam (they still havent got back to me). But luckily there is a happy ending to all this, I got fed up with all this bull going on web sites with preorders I decided to get off my lazy ass and got to every single store I can searching for reserves. Only after a hour of searching I walked into Mediaplay (my faviorate store now) and they were taking reserves and I made the clerk gaurantee me I will recieve it on launch. Now Im finally sure Ill get it on nov 15. But Im still paranoid ill be screwed by neugames, that theyll charge me when Ive been tryin to cancel the **** thing.

Does anyone else have a hell story because of their preorder ?