I'm thinking about buying or trading for a new previously played game.. and I'm considering Blood Omen 2 or Silent Hill 2. I havent played the previous games in either of the series.. but of all the used games out there.. these seemed like the games I would like the best..

Anybody have any input into which one is better or which one you think I should pick up?

For what its worth.. I Loved Halo, and although I didnt like Obi-Wan at first... after playing it for awhile, I really got into it and thought it was a pretty good game.

I'm playing Buffy right now and I'm loving it..

I started playing Oddworld, but couldnt get through it cause I got bored.. Same goes for Mad Dash Racing and Bloodwake...

I have some other games that I play on and off (PGR, RSC, NHL 2002, Fever 02, etc..) but the games I've mentioned above are the ones that I really played alot!!

so what do you think? whats the best game for me!!

-sleepy floyd