So all you know it alls...unless all 3 games have the same problem, Im very upset that I followed all of you so called gamers advise. I am realtively new and statistics to me are the most important quality in gaming reality. If the stats are'nt real then why play? NFL2K3 looks pretty but its not very realistic when the other teams are racking up 1100 total yds and scoring 60-70 pts per game. I dont care what mode you in. Another annoying factor is that when you play a few games and get some stats under you players belt the players rating should change after you save the franchise or season game. This dont happen either. And finally when you start a new game (again in franchise or season) It shows the each teams offensive and deffensive rankings. Those too should change based on what your really doing with you franchise. Not stay the same cause thats whats programed. REALLY DISAPOINTED you would think technology would have eliminated this annoying problem...Do any of ya know if all the games are like this? And please dont tell me I imagining thins. Jeet