Chapter 15, the last chapter. If you have made it this far with out wanting to throw the controller at the wall at least a few times, then your a good player. The last fight/battle with the Mayor, takes place in a boiler room, it's you against him. He's armed with flaming gloves, and you've got just your bare hands to beat him up with.

When you first star the level backup with you back facing the closed door of the bolier room. Stand there and dont move, he will run at you and juts stand there too! He's motionless, take your time punching and kicking him till his energy is about half way down, a cut sequnece then shows him opening up some boiler doors on the other side of the room. Stay with your back against the door, and kick and punch him some more. When is energy is as low as you feel comfortable with, run accross the room to the boiler. Once there postion your sefl so you can throw, punch or kick him into the fire, do what ever it takes to get him in there. Once he's been thrown in and it looks like you've won, you will get a small cut sequnce, but dont put your controller down just yet. He's back for one more fight! This time however he's really softened up, two good hits finally see's the Mother F#$%^ker off.

This game is a good xbox game challenging it perhpas a little too hard. The Save game system used is very old school, perhaps thats why they did it, but to me you should save as you go, not back to chapter start.

Peace Out