Okay I've had enough of this sh*t. First Greg Kasavin, now Entertainment Weekly.

Greg Kasavin in time will be forgiven for his 6.3 for Blinx. He does deserve some credit for being the executive editor at gamespot. And gamespot is a great site. But some little d*ck at entertainment weekly gave Timesplitters2 a 66 when great sites like ign have been giving TS2 92 and higher.

Entertainment Weekly keep your stupid, f*cked up video gaming opinions to yourselfs. Women want to here what you thought of J.Lo's new dress; we dont give a damn about whether or not you think TS2 has enough plot. Leave great video games out of your grasp of anarchy. That's goes also for Playboy, Maxim Online, etc. Maxim gave Halo an 80; Maxim, you know sh*t about video games. F*ck off.

Entertainment Weekly bl0w me. TS2 is going to be a classic whether you unfairly smear it or not.