The demos are grate and the Halo 2 trailer is on the disc!! Full screen on the TV! wow this is what the OXM disc is about. We can only hope that Fable Sudeki ANY big game in the works that has a trailer should, with out a doubt be on the disc! The Halo 2 trailer!! Here is a quick run through I got to go play Live some before work.

Chase<--- no thank you
House of the Dead 3<----- disapointed
Panzer Dragoon Orta<------I will preorder
ToeJam & Earl III<--don't know
Splinter Cell <------- WOW

Extra Content:
HALO 2 <--- full screen- worth 8$ alone
interview: sega gt
Terminator: DoF
TransWorld Snowboarding
Unreal Champ

And to top it off in the Next Month section in the new mag. Sega GT booster pack: an exclusive car and track! I'll take any booster pack! Hoo-ra!