Super Hot News - Unreal Warfare Coming To Xbox? 4.4.03 [2:55pm] by Tycho

I received a cool little email from Lalli about an IRC chat with Mark Rein last night. Most of it is pretty boring but this caught my eye!

Mark_Rein[Epic]: I have free-time to answer questions. I made this for questions to be answered, it is not official. Unreal WarFare does carry on from the Unreal tradition and was/is develped by us. We are looking for feedback. It is looking to be a big blast on the Xbox! PC too, but it will be a big hit on Xbox.

There were several other questions that I will try and post on our forums later this afternoon.

- Update - We are getting some conflicting reports about this IRC chat. Mark does indeed do chats from his home and nothing that he said in the log would make it seem like it wasn't him. However take the news with a grain of salt until more info becomes available. Does make you wonder what that super secret DE project for the Xbox is though doesn't it.

- Update Two - Headup from Infogrames sends word of what may be a prank that rides the recent Digital Extremes Xbox information.

Tycho: Headup, I need you to confirm these reports. Mark does INDEED do his IRC chats from home. Not to mention there isn't anything major in that chat to say it wasn't him. Many, many people are asking about the UW on Xbox part.

Headup: Tycho, I spoke to him earlier and sent him a link to this thread. Hopefully, he'll jump on later and make a comment. There were some things on there that didn't ring true to me, so I pinged him with a request for clarification. If he gets chance (he's on the road right now), he'll post here.