Microsoft Game Studios sent first warning today on Mythica, a brand-new massively multiplayer online RPG under development internally at their Redmond, WA headquarters. The MMORPG's due to make its debut at the Electronic Entertainment Expo next month, with a 2004 release on the horizon.
Simply put, Mythica takes place in the lands of Norse mythology, and every player's object is to ascend from mere immortality and become a god and a true hero of the game world. In the official press release, MS calls Mythica "revolutionary"—of course, everyone says that about their MMORPGs these days, so what makes Mythica more revolutionary than everything else? Part of it may be the Private Realms Technology developed for the game—you can quest with other players in the game's public areas all you want, or you can journey into a Private Realm instead, where you become the center of an offline RPG-style story and your actions can have lasting consequences in the game world you build for yourself. Confused? Think of it as an MMORPG with the ability to build your own plotline on the side.

"Mythica is a delicate balance between a massively multiplayer game with mechanics, depth and socialization expected by veteran online gamers, as well as the intimacy and self-determination of a single-player adventure," says executive producer Matt Wilson. "In our game, players truly feel like they're center stage in their own adventure."

Stay tuned for our E3 coverage to get the full scoop on Mythica.

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