Full spectrum warrior. It sound like some people (from the excitement posts) dont understand what this game will be like. From the discription of the product:

" Full Spectrum Warrior is a squad-level, dismounted, Light Infantry training simulator being created for use by the US Army to be played on a Next-Gen Console. The focus of Full Spectrum Warrior is on critical tactical decision making by the Squad Leader. These decisions need to be made while under fire in tactically and politically complex MOUT (Military Operations in Urban Terrain) environments. "

I take this to mean that it will be a full 3d shooter like GR, but with an emphasis on team work and strategy.
A game where the team leader (probably chosen by team) will tell his team mates on XBL where to go and what to do over the voice and the map system "The focus of Full Spectrum Warrior is on critical tactical decision making by the Squad Leader" (This of course will only work if the team follows the strat.)

The american military would not create a game that you view from above for thier commanders. That would be good for stat but would not fulfil the statement in the description "These decisions need to be made while under fire in tactically"

I for one think this game is going to rock. and it will be a full first person shooter.