As many of you saw on the xboxaddict news page, GTA: San Andreas will be coming out this fall, presumabley around the same time as Halo 2. So I'm asking, which will be king?

I think GTA will out sell Halo 2, but not as much as most people assume. There are going to be a lot of people with enough money for just one game, I think those that can will choose Halo 2. Why? Because it will be a better game.

GTA:VC pushed the PS2 to its limits. Any improvements I foresee as being neglible, especially when compared to the difference between Halo and Halo 2. Perhaps if rockstar had gone for quality over huge returns(fat chance, I know) and developed GTA for the Box, then I would be more optimistic about a new chapter in the series.

I love both GTA and Halo, but where Halo 2 will be a bold revolutionary leap forward, the new installment of GTA looks only to be a small evolutionary baby-step

My predictions: Halo 2 for GotY from most major publications. GTA will sell six to seven million copies where Halo 2 willl sell around four.