Quote from the Official Xbox Magazine: "By now, you all know that Sony has purchased a 19% interest in Square, seemingly ruining any chance of the Xbox receiving any version of Final Fantasy... or so it would seem. [The Official Xbox Magazine] hears that Square is less than happy with Sony's poor online plans and is making a pitch to do Final Fantasy XI for the Xbox. Obviously, that isn't going over well with Sony, but considering the financial woes of Squaresoft, it is completely possibe that Sony would let this happen. One industry insider stated off the record that it would be financial suicide to release a multi-million dollar game like Final Fantasy XI on a console that requires a $140 add-on just to play the game. If you remember back in the days of PlayStation and Sega Saturn, a wholly owned Sony subsidiary (Psygnosis) actually developed several Saturn games including its top-tier title Wipeout. Lets hope history repeats itself and we get Final Fantasy on Xbox after all."
What does everyone feel about this?