OK here's a topic to discuss. Since most of us play with new people all the time, I think we need a way to rate players. A way to rank people to make our teams fair. Usually it's done after the first game and reading the stat sheet. But like you might have known (or read from my Halo 2 ideas) these stats don't include much info for ranking. How would you rate people?

Here's some random thoughts of mine -

You have WTF People -
The experts. You are convinced these guys are playing at home all day, non-stop. The player's name who is screamed out the most during game play and makes your blood boil. They usually kill you with the pistol from across the field or end up humiliating you with the Melee.

The Halo Addict-
The above average player. They actual change the sensitivity on the controller. Usually high kill count. They have good skills, knowing which gun to use where and generally good instincts.

The Not You Again People -
Average in skills. No immediate threat to you but they have been known to kill you and still need to dealt with.

The Spirit Meter Feeders -
This name (I can't take credit for) is for those players or rookies, for when you are in a rut and your ego is bruised you find them running in circles, move in for the kill, boom your spirit meter just went up.